Friday, September 30, 2016

Rainy Day Lemons

Oil on canvas board
Storms keep rolling through today which keep the light shifting on my lemons...thank goodness for 'natural' fluorescent bulbs!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Homage to New Hampshire

Oil on hardboard
This is a painting of items I collected in New Hampshire this past summer. My sister in law gave me the turkey feather, flocks of wild turkeys are often seen wandering about. The tea cup came from a gift shop in Wolfeboro and the rocks from Lake Winnepeasake.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Blue bottle with Scarlet Ibis feather

Oil on canvas board
I found the feather while visiting the aquarium in Baltimore. They have a Scarlet Ibis in the tropical room and when I saw the feather laying on the ground I knew I wanted to incorporate it into a painting.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Conch shell

Oil on canvas board
I collected a bag full of conch shells when visiting Naples, Fl this past spring. They were scattered everywhere along the beach. Occasionally, I would find one with an inhabitant...those made their way back into the gulf.

Friday, September 9, 2016


Oil on hardboard
This is our resident rabbit. Ian, named by our kids, has lived in the bushes in our front yard for many years.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Cherokee Purple

Oil on canvas board
This tomato is from our garden. I couldn't resist painting it before we eat it!

Click here to view on Etsy

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

Oil on hardboard

While walking our dog, I found this swallowtail lying in the road. I think it was probably hit my a passing car. It was so beautiful I couldn't resist bringing it home to paint.

Monday, August 8, 2016

One last peach

Oil on canvas board
One of the final peaches of the season from the tree behind our house.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Peaches 6x4"

Oil on canvas board
These peaches came from a tree behind my house that is bursting with fruit. The squirrels can't seem to get enough!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Plum 6x4"

Oil on canvas board
Painted 6/22/2016

Annabelle Hydrangea 7x5"

Oil on canvas board
Painted on 6/15/2016
Click here to view on Etsy

Concrete chick with bluejay feather 4x6"

Oil on canvas board
Painted on 6/13/2016
Click here to view on Etsy

Watermelon 6x4"

Oil on canvas board
Painted on 6/8/2016
Click here to view on Etsy

Grazing 6x6"

Oil on hardboard 
Painted on 6/7/2016

Apple 6x4"

Oil on canvas board
Painted on 6/5/2016
Click here to view on Etsy

Daylily 6x4"

Oil on canvas board
Painted 6/1/2016
Click here to view on Etsy

Lemon 6x4"

Oil on canvas board
Painted on 5/31/2016

Rosemary in blue bottle 4x6"

Oil on canvas board
Painted on 5/24/2016

Spring onions 6x4"

Oil on canvas board
Painted 5/23/2016
Click here to view on Etsy

Skeleton key 4x6"

Oil on canvas board
Painted on 5/19/16

Pine on Point 5x7"

Oil on canvas board
Painted on 5/18/2016

A view on Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire
Click here to view on Etsy

Cherries 6x4"

Oil on canvas board
Painted on 5/16/2016

Pear with pewter bowl 6x4"

Oil on canvas board
Painted on 5/12/2016
Click here to view on Etsy

Annie 6x6"

Oil on hardboard 
Painted on 5/11/2016

Strawberries 6x4"

Oil on canvas board
Painted 5/5/2016
Click here to view on Etsy

Peonies 7x5"

Oil on hard board
Painted 5/4/2016

Peanut butter crackers 4x6"

Oil on canvas board
Painted 5/3/2016

Mushrooms 6x4"

Oil on canvas board
Painted 5/1/2016
Click here to view on Etsy

Eggplant 6x4"

Oil on canvas board
Painted 4/28/2016
Click here to view on Etsy

Mug with spoon 4x6"

Oil on canvas board
Painted 4/26/2016

Terra cot pots 6x4"

Oil on canvas board
Painted 4/25/2016

Radishes 7x5"

Oil on canvas board
Painted 4/21/2016

Lemon on blue plate 6x4"

Oil on canvas board
Painted on 4/20/2016

Tangelo with bowl 6x4"

Oil on canvas board
Painted 4/18/2016
Click here to view on Etsy

Pears 6x4"

Oil on canvas board
Painted 4/14/2016